Daniel is a character in Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings. He is portrayed by Dean Armstrong.
Daniel, Lauren Perry, Claire, and Kyle are waiting in the mountains in a spot where they parked their cars for Kenia, Sara, Bridget, Jenna and Vincent to show up. Once the others show up, everyone gets ready and goes on their snowmobiles, so they can go to Kenia's boyfriends cabin that is located somewhere in the forest.
Daniel tells them about a huge storm coming through and thinks they should go tomorrow, but the others tell him he whines too much about things. They all leave and none of them knew that the area where they parked their cars is a tow away zone.
The group ends up taking a wrong turn and gets lost. They soon find an abandoned sanatorium and decides to stay in the building while the storm goes away or passes. Inside, everyone relaxes in a room filled with couches and chairs. Everyone soon just wants to explore around the building. Daniel makes a comment about trespassing, which the others give him a weird look.
Vincent soon finds the generator and gets the power to work. Everyone starts to party around the sanatorium and they are secretly being watched by One Eye. The group finds some old files of deformed patients and start reading them. Daniel sets up a movie in another big room and the group watch a video of deformed patients being tortured. Lauren tells them her brother told her a story about inbred cannibals in West Virginia, but no one believes her.
Everyone finds their own rooms and goes to sleep. After talking about some intercourse with girlfriend Jenna, Vincent wanders around the sanatorium and he is soon killed by Saw Tooth. The next morning, everyone realizes he is gone and then they split into different groups to find him.
Lauren, Sara, Bridget, and Daniel find the area where Porter's body was and finds blood. They go meet back with the others. A scared Jenna meets back with them and tries to tell them about the cannibals, but a jacket that belonged to Porter was thrown by them off the stage. Kenia went to go open it, while the others watched. Porter's head was in the jacket and everyone was shocked and scared.
Claire is decapitated when one of the cannibals puts a noose of barbed wire around her neck and pulls her up. Kyle tries to save her, but fails. Everyone runs away and goes outside to their snowmobiles, only to find out the cannibals have taken their spark plugs. Lauren decides to ski down the mountain to get help. Daniel doesn't agree with it, but she convinces him she has to. Daniel and Lauren kiss, then she leaves promising to see him again tomorrow and goes to ski for help. Everyone decides to go back inside the sanatorium and hide in a office that has a lock in it.
Kyle, Daniel, and Sara leave to go get weapons they found in a room in the basement of the sanatorium earlier. The three are then being chased by Three Finger who has an axe, but hide and eventually lose him. Daniel, Sara and Kyle get the weapons and head back to the others.
Daniel's death.
Daniel is taken by Saw Tooth when he gets an axe and tries to catch up to Kyle and Sara, they didn't notice until they finally got back to the office and realized that he was gone. Three Finger, Saw Tooth and One Eye tied Daniel up to a table with barbed wire and started cutting bits of his own flesh off of him. The others heard his screams and they wanted to do something for him, but Bridget convinced them that Daniel would probably die. Three Finger, Saw Tooth and One Eye begin cutting bits of flesh of Daniel and putting them in a pot filled with boiling water to cook and to eat for themselves. Kyle went downstairs and went and told the girls about the event.
Daniel died as the girls went downstairs, but Daniel was already dead.