Wrong Turn Wiki

Michael "M" Epstein is a character in Wrong Turn 2: Dead End. He is portrayed by actor and filmmaker Matthew Currie Holmes.


Michael, who is nicknamed 'M' is the reality shows cameraman. After making sure that all the equipment is set in place, he realizes that one contestant Kimberly has not turned up for the set show. M then convinces the shows producer, and his current girlfriend, Mara to take her place as a show contestant.

M films the shows host, Dale Murphy, telling the contestants the rules of this show and M follows Elena, a model, and Jake first. Despite M and Elena's attempts to create sparks between Jake and Elena, Jake repeatedly rejects her. M tells him that they are the sex of the show, and to boost ratings need to become a couple, however, Jake declines and leaves both of them behind. M is about to go back to his RV and rethink some story lines, where a angry Elena desperate for screentime performs oral sex on him. The pair do not realize that Mara has witnessed this and is devastated as she thought he was 'the one' for her. After the oral sex ends, M leaves Elena and goes back to the RV.



Mike's death from Mill.

While at the RV, Neil is missing although no one knows really except for Dale maybe, so Mike goes to check on some faulty wiring and camera trouble and problems, only to realize the cannibals have taken Murphy's truck and take Mike too. Soon later as the contestants start dying (and Mara Stone's demise of her death) Mike is seen on camera while Amber and her friend die, Nina watches as Michael has been killed.


  • Michael was the fifth person to die in this film.
  • In the DVD of the movie. On the Main Menu go to the 'Special Features' section, Highlight the 'Resume Film' and then press the 'left' arrow key, then 'up' arrow key, on your remote control. A Poster on the wall will highlight and if you press 'Enter' now, you'll see a clip of "Nina's Video Camera Showing Michael Screaming For Help And Being Decapitated" (1:22).