Wrong Turn Wiki
We have to find a way to lock ourselves in

Sara is a character from Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings (2011). She is played by Tenika Davis.


In 2003, Sara is a student at Weston University in West Virginia and is dating Bridget, her girlfriend. She has a brave and bold personality and she likes spending time with Bridget.

The first time that she appeared was when she and Bridget were having oral sex in the same room with Jenna and Vincent before Kenia appeared and interrupted the four of them. Sara invited Kenia to have sex with Bridget, although Kenia refused.

Kenia, told the four to get ready for the snow trip they are going to vacation at including with Bridget.

Kenia, Kyle, Claire, Vincent, Jenna, Daniel, Bridget, Lauren and Sara all meet up at a parking spot in the mountains and travel to Kenia's boyfriend cabin on snowmobiles. However, the group takes a wrong turn and gets lost. The storm has become bad and the group finds an old abandoned sanatorium. They all decide to stay in the building and wait for the storm to go away or move away from the building.

Wrong turn 4 bloody beginnings bridget sara

Bridget Manalo and Sara sit next to and comfort with each other.

The group all sit together in a room with couches and chairs. After pulling a prank on both Kenia and Jenna, Vincent soon gets the power to work. Everyone starts exploring the place and having fun with each other. They also find a room in the basement where weapons are kept. One Eye secretly watches them all. The group watches an old video and it shows them about the deformed patients who were once there. Afterwards, everyone goes to sleep. Sara and Bridget have sex with each other and are watched by a walking Vincent.


Bridget Manalo makes out with Sara.


He then leaves and goes wandering around the sanatorium, finding Porter's dead body and Vincent is soon killed by Saw Tooth. The next morning, the group realizes Vincent is missing and everyone splits up to go help and find him.

A scared Jenna shows up and tries to warn them about the cannibals, but then a jacket with something inside of it is thrown by the group. Kenia opens it up and finds Porter's head in it. Everyone is horrified and screams. Claire backs away and a barbed wire noose is tied around her neck by the cannibals. As she is pulled up, Kyle tries to save her, while the others watch in horror, but he fails and she instead gets decapitated. Everyone soon runs away and goes outside, only to find out the cannibals have taken the spark plugs from their own snowmobiles.

The storm is still bad outside. The group decides to go back inside and hide in a office that has a lock on the door, while Lauren decides to ski down the mountain to go get help. Kyle, Sara and Daniel decide to get weapons from downstairs, while Kenia, Jenna and Bridget stay in the office upstairs. One Eye drills through the door with an ice drill and grabs at Kenia. Jenna tries to help her, while Bridget finds a pocket knife on a desk and stabs One Eye's arm through the broken ripped door, making him let go of Kenia. Kyle, Sara and Daniel are chased by Three Finger, but they hide and eventually lose him. They get the weapons and return upstairs, but Daniel is taken by the cannibals and then tortured to death.

Eventually after Daniel is killed. Everyone forms a plan and traps Saw Tooth, Three Finger and One Eye in a cell that they were locked in before so many years ago. The group wants to kill the cannibals, especially Jenna, by burning them alive, but Kenia convinces them not to kill the cannibals. Kyle watches the cannibals, while the rest go to sleep in the office they were attacked in. Kyle falls asleep and the cannibals escape out of the cell using a hairpin they used before that is still in the same old cell. They attack Kyle. Later, Kenia wakes up and goes to check on Kyle, while the others stay in the office sleeping. The power shuts off, but Kenia still goes downstairs anyway. Kenia discovers Kyle and the cannibals are all gone. Kenia goes back to the others and tells them about everything. They all want to stay in the room until morning, but one of the cannibals that has a sack mask tied to their head comes to the girls at night. Armed with knives Sara, Kenia, Bridget and Jenna attack and stab the sacked cannibal to death. They remove the sack and then realize it's Kyle. His tongue had been cut off, so he couldn't say anything to the girls. They are all shocked and sadden, then the cannibals shows up and chases after the girls.

WrongTurn 4

Sara makes out with her girlfriend Bridget.

Kenia, Jenna, Sara and Bridget end up in an attic filled with stuff that belonged to people that were killed. They decide to grab some clothes to stay warm, but Bridget doesn't want to and Sara makes her. They keep running and try to look for a way out since the cannibals locked up the place and the windows have bars in them. The girls blocks a closed and an opened door by putting a plank of wood between it and they find a window with bars that are broken off. They get the bars off and Sara breaks the glass with a fireplace poker, then starts digging through the snow and then gets out of the building. Once she's outside, Bridget and Kenia go through towards the outside snow, but before Jenna can get outside the girls tunnel collapses. Kenia tries to help Jenna, but Jenna is killed when Saw Tooth shows up and shoves the ice drill through Jenna's back. Sara, Bridget and Kenia start running away from the sanatorium. The cannibals use the girls own snowmobiles and follow the three young girls. After the cannibals suddenly leave them alone, Kenia, Bridget and Sara keep running, but Sara realizes she dropped the fireplace poker and leaves to go find it. As Kenia and Bridget are waiting, the cannibals show up in the snowmobiles.

Bridget is taken by a cannibal, and soon Kenia is worried. Sara finds her weapon, although she finds Kenia alive, Bridget is then killed in front of her best girlfriend.


Sara and Kenia ride off as the two survivors until they are beheaded by a fence of barbed wire killing them both as one of the brothers comes and takes their heads and the brothers survive.


  • Sara and Kenia's Deaths won the Golden Chainsaw Award in Dead Meat's "Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings" kill count.
  • As it is known, Sarah is a lesbian and has not shown any interest in men
  • Sarah somehow belongs to Jake and Washington's family from the second movie, and some sources confirm that she might be his sister or cousin.